Ah, the new year has already begun to settle in nicely
around us. We may be still accidentally dating things 2018, in the rare
instances that we hand write, but it’s gone and there’s no going back. I must
admit I was pumped for this year to begin. The second half of 2018 suddenly
brought me a great deal of momentum and confidence. I was on fire for creating
content and expanding my vision for Empriss D. Bennett Coaching. I however,
kept disregarding the urgent cry for me to address my diet and exercise routine,
and slowly my health started to slow my roll. By New Year’s Day I was burned
out and I had to take some serious downtime. Not to mention, the beautiful,
magnificent, ambitious goals that I had set for the new year were already doing
a number on my mind.
Goals are wonderful concepts, aren’t they? They are designed
to help us stretch and grow and reach far past our perceived potential. At
least good goals do anyway. My goals for 2019, because I have been diligently
working to expand my mindset, being the great Mindset Coach that I am, are
larger than I have ever aspired to. They are aligned, and purpose driven, and they
provided me with a red-hot fire in my belly for immediate action. At least
initially. After the initial high of being outside of my comfort zone, the
reality set in that my goals were outside my comfort zone, and that’s when my
mind turned on me.
Over the course of two weeks, fears, new and known, began to
surface. Followed expectedly by self-doubt. Before I could recognize what was
happening, I suddenly started to be bothered by what people thought. The thins
is though, very little of it was really about what people thought, and the rest
was what I thought people thought about me, my life choices, my career, all
kinds of things. Crazy as it sounds, I was having mental conversations with snarky
remarks and comebacks for scenarios that didn’t and would never actually
playout in real life. It unfortunately took three weeks before I realized that
I was bothered by my own insecurities, and it was my fault because no else was involved.
It made me realize, that my lofty goals, left me feeling exposed and insecure.
The things that I thought other people had opinions about, where just my
limiting beliefs. I suddenly felt like Michael Keaton in Birdman. Stuck outside
the dressing room in my underwear for everyone to see.
Because of this revelation, I have come to realize that
confidence is relative to your comfort zone. A lack of confidence can be a sign
of weakness, but neither lacking confidence or weakness are necessarily bad. If
I aspire to move into a new era of life that requires me to grow and learn, it
is possible that I will eventually be insecure, until I catch my stride and
develop competence. Sometimes insecurity is a sign of growth and its okay. So,
I have some kick-ass goals for 2019 and mostly no clue about how to get them
accomplished. They are going to require me to ask for help and support, and
learn all that I can, and that’s okay because that’s the goal of goals.
If in pursuing you goals this year you find yourself feeling
discouraged or distracted by the obstacles, it’s likely that you need some
additional support because you have set goals that are far outside your comfort
zone. It doesn’t mean they aren’t reachable, it means that you have a larger
vision. So, before you write off your ability to create and manifest beyond
your current limitations and label yourself as defunct, consider what besides
yourself it would take to make you desires a reality. It’s possible for you to
have it and you certainly deserve it.